
Thursday, March 27, 2008

5 crazy things little animeactress has done

Tagged by the butterflu.

1. Follow this format
2. Copy/Paste the rules
3. State who tagged you and add a link to their blog
4. Write 5 crazy things you did as a little kid
5. Tag 5 people

1. i used to pretend i was an animal. conatantly. my mom could get me to do anything if she pretended i was a dog or something.

2. me and my mischief buddy tore off the wood on a drainage hole that seperated the house next to us and my house and my friend snuck over to get our frisbee we had thrown over. (two days later there was chainlink fence over the hole.)

3. me and my other friend ate berries from an actually poisionous bush but didnt get sick.

4. i was carrying a bunch of comforters down the stairs of my first friends house and got wrapped up in them (mostly on purpous) lied down on the 5th to last step and rolled down uncontrollably. (i did things because it would be considered crazy because i wanted to be treated like a crazy person. i was a strange child with an over active mind.)

5. and a shocker...until i was around 11 or 12.....i hated books with a passion. *gasp*

i tag anybody who hasnt yet been tagged.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Its Spring!

ugh allergies. not fun. anyway easter break is finally here. time for some sun, some anime marathons, reading, and.....time to get back to work on my story. 149+ pages here i come! woooo!
Anyway as you can see i now post youtube vids on here. so check back often to see more. yay!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spectacular no?

hello all. guess what? ive got a blog. ha ha! behold my creation! mwhahahaha!.....and i know thats not the way you spell opinions.