
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

School and its suckage

well ive finally started my junior year of high school and i both hate and like it. we have a new campus with actual schoolish features which we have never had before so thats positively awsome. my classes are mostly perty cool except for physics and pre-calc which are both taught by the same teacher. let me just say this. i totally suck at algebra and pre-calc. and to think i was one of the head of my class at math in grade school. geometry was fun to. i am just not oriented for algebraic and calculus type thinking. it just doesnt click. tis annoying. so im gonna have to try to survive that. pre-calc i could be kicked out of so i now hope i make it so i dont have to take a math senior year.

driving is going okay. i was made to drive my mom's truck which i really hate. the stearing is really loose and you have to push really hard on the brake to make it work. i like little cars better.

i got into the play i auditioned for. yay! though my audition was perty bad if you ask me. my voice was shaking because my pulse was really fast when i sang my song. mostly because auditions just naturally make me nervous even though ive done it like 9 times now. also it didnt help that the guy who expressed interest in me and i was smitten with (until i was told not to follow that road) was there to watch. not cool. oh well. i got in and the play is......"The Little Mermaid" weeeeee! im also hoping to audition for little woman this winter. lead rolls get paid! so i dont have to pay to get in.

Also big announcemnt. there is a really good chance im gonna get to go on the europe trip this summer! AAAAACK! im so excited. were goin to france and italy. like lourdes, asissi, rome, all sorts of stuff. its so cool. i cant wait and am crossing my fingers that i can raise the money in time.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

exciting, no?

wow. been long time. let me see what am i up to?.....
ive finally started to learn to drive!!!!! yep. my first time driveing was last saturday when my dad took me. i gots to drive the beamer! was quite fun. i suck at parking. haha.
i also was very happy to get the news that i get an extra week of summer. yahoo! the new school campus isnt finished yet so we got an extra week. sigh of relief. whew.
so, now that the other kids are in school i dont have to go to work so i have the entire week to myself. yay!
i stopped voice lessons for this month since i am going to audition for another play and if i get in i know i wont have time for voice anymore. ill start up again proble when we're done though. wish me luck. i hate auditions. love the plays hate the auditions. ugh.
i am nearly done with the count of monte cristo and will then be able to, after next payday, to get tricksters choice so i can add it to tricksters queen which i already have.
my dad finished by bookshelves entirely and my very close sister friends thought they were awsome when they came over last week. twas very fun.
anyway. i think thats it. oh! one more thing. im makeing a wall of quotes in my room. so fun!
yep thats it. school starts next week, at least its supposed to so we'll see if i can keep up blogging afterwards. i hope so.