
Thursday, April 24, 2008

Beautiful Songs

something really random.
when i hear a truly, and i mean truly beautiful song my eyes well up and tears role down my face.
i am not a person who crys. not at movies, plays, or even when i write or read something terrible.
but today when i logged onto my blog and hear 'Aura's theme-by BOOHOOWOO, the familiar tingling of my nose and the slightly tight roar in my ears started that caused 4 tears to find their way down my cheeks.
moments like these give me the ability to know that i can still feel touched.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Update on my Life

1. i got a facebook and applyed the flair application in which i found a flair that said 'i know hes a fictional character but my imagination doesnt' i laughed so hard!
2. i auditioned for peter pan at the moonlight ampitheater but i didnt get in. oh well. ive been in peter pan before anyway.
3. i finally saw juno!
4. my brother has to quit his job at B&N so so long to the 30% discount. but my mom is allowing me one last splurge before the discount is revoked. WooHoo!
5. i realize i gots the bestest friends in the world!

Weeeeee! im in an interesting mood today.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Finished? Who Knows.

First you'll notice the new category of 'Fluff and Stuff'' (love the name?). This is basically a list of random links pertaining to me. So far there is the link to my new other blog. Animeactress's Otakudom. That one is specifically for everything anime in my life so to keep this blog more organized and generic. Im very happy how it turned out. Hope you peeps agree.

Friday, April 4, 2008

To Whom Who Cares

My blog will be undergoing some changes over the next few.....days. (it takes me forever to find time to do things) so for those who actually read this thing. (i think theres like one of you). be sure to sit tight.