
Friday, April 11, 2008

Update on my Life

1. i got a facebook and applyed the flair application in which i found a flair that said 'i know hes a fictional character but my imagination doesnt' i laughed so hard!
2. i auditioned for peter pan at the moonlight ampitheater but i didnt get in. oh well. ive been in peter pan before anyway.
3. i finally saw juno!
4. my brother has to quit his job at B&N so so long to the 30% discount. but my mom is allowing me one last splurge before the discount is revoked. WooHoo!
5. i realize i gots the bestest friends in the world!

Weeeeee! im in an interesting mood today.


Jacqueline (bookbutterfly) said...

Ahem, you just relaized the you have awesome friends? It took you years and years to realize that? Wow and soil. ;)

Kairi said...

oh. be quiet miss melted butterflu. i just wanted to end on something cheerful. excuse me.

Jacqueline (bookbutterfly) said...

Er...I melted? How did I melt? From the sun's rays?

AND I MUST SEE YOUR FACEBOOK, MISSY OTAKU!!!! Please e-mail it to me soon! Pretty please?

Stinks about not getting into PP, though. Maybe next time. You were hilarious as Mrs. Salt last time, though. ;)

Juno...haven't seen. And don't plan on seeing, sorry.

LUCKY!!!!!!!! You got splurge at B&N. I have to do major editing with my b-day wishlist. :roll:

Wow and soil, I wrote a lot. Talk to you later, anime!

Kairi said...

happy now. XD

Jacqueline (bookbutterfly) said...

Good. You better be. Er, am I still...melted???? :?

Kairi said...
