
Monday, May 5, 2008

Meme (whatever that is)

Tagged by: The Butterflu
The Rules:
1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Open to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4.Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people and post a comment to the person who tagged you once you've posted your three sentences.

my books are on the floor in rows so ill just pick one right in front.
The Great Tree of Avalon book 2, Shadows on the Stars by T.A. Barron

"Elli stooped down to look more closely, and saw lines of red, violet, and blue flowing like blood vessels under the surface of the stone. That was when she remembered the phrase that Merlin had, in legend, used to describe it: a living eye.
She stood up, her gaze still fixed on the stone. But what, i wonder, can it see?"

okay thats four sentences but i just had to put that in there. i love this trilogy to death!


Jacqueline (bookbutterfly) said...

anime, a meme is a tag. Ya know, it's about you? "me, me?" (I the eck do you pronounce it; me-me, or may-may? I always think it's may-may. Whatever. :roll: ) ;)

Kairi said...
