
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

No Time is too much Time

that says it all....i think. i found out how unruly and extremely agrivating yet wonderfully strange my schedule is.
i go to school where i do much that i could do by myself but could not give up on my friends for the world. i come home and spend three hours at least on the computer posting, email, news, updates, facebook and (if there is extra time) watching anime. i get off before my dad comes home prepare dinner and eat while watching tv with my family as they come home from work or school until who knows when depending on what day it is and what shows are on. take a shower, do homework, then write and go to bed.
in all this utterly spacious room there is none than can be spared for all the pleasurefull things i love to do. i havent been able to read a book for pleasure in two months. shocking and appalling is it not? i think so.
how must i juggle reading writing and my anime-ic obsession of the internets? that is a question better asked my ever weirdly random yet spazzily lazy mind.
so i leave on a last note of this strange stream of conciousness post.


Jacqueline (bookbutterfly) said...

My schedule (I like to pronounce that sheh-zhool, like the Brits) is crazier. At least you can spend 3 hrs on the computer; if I am extremely lucky I can finish 1/3 of my HW in that amount of time. I don't LRRH on weekdays anymore, I check my e-mail a couple times a day, no TV until the weekends, and I haven't really written at all in a few months now. And I have so many books I want to read and buy and finish, but b/c I spend 4 pm to about 11 pm doing HW, it's crazy!!!!!!! Ugh, sorry I'm ranting on your blog, anime. I'm just tired from just finishing some HW. *sigh* Anyhow, I agree on this part: "i go to school where i do much that i could do by myself but could not give up on my friends for the world." :D See ya tomorrow, then!

Kairi said... spend way to much time on hw. mine only takes like an hour. less even sometimes.