
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Being up late can be dangerous

well as some of you might know i do my writing at night. and this has a tendency to carry me to my normal bedtime of midnight, 12:30 at the latest. well my parents are not night people at all. believe me its the saddest thing theyre in bed by 9 or 10 at the latest every night. oy. tis early. (for me). well my dad works with the city (i aint gonna say which one) and so hes on call alote. also he has a tendency to hate it when his kids are up "late" because hes like 'what in the heck could you be doing so late?'. oh i dont know dad. reading?writing? both things that make me uterly happy? well last night it was around midnight and i knew i had to get to bed soon but i was in a good writing groove and wasnt going to miss the oportunity and decided to keep going for a while. low and behold i hear my dad's phone going off. Oh Shiznit. hes gonna know im up. dang it all! so i reluctantly put down my pencil and turn off my light even though i know hes already seen it and knows im up. this causes me to fall out of my writing groove and unfortunately give in to bedtime.
the funny thing is the next morning i find myself on the phone with him (he thought i was my mom at first. haha. funny) and hes like 'so i got a call at two in the morning last night and you were up what were you doing?' um hello it was 12 not 2. i had my glasses on did you? haha. ah papà, ¿que està mal?

Friday, June 20, 2008

Slow computers and Books should be read in private

Ah Summer. truly a wonderful thing....except that summer, being the time when you have an unlimited amount of time to spent on the computer, is also quite hot causing your beloved computer to run irritatingly slow and create a great amount of noise. ugh. so hot.
oh yes. books, especially when being read by me, should not be read in public unless you want to attract some strange looks from people who are weirded out because you look like your about to have an anurism becuase you are simply stifling hysteria at the book you so happened to be reading so as not to cause a scene. that of course doesnt work. i cannot honestly stop myself from making random espressions at what im reading whether it be a goony smile or complet shock or of course biting my lip and turning completely red stifling laughter or squeels. siiiiiiiiigh.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

For i say. Now is the time to par-tay

Finals are nearly over and we all know what that means.
yes! well my summers have a tendency to be uneventful but i dont particularly mind that. what awaits me this summer is not much different.
our family trip will be to go to aneheim for a day to go to the house of blues in downtown disney and the virgin records store. yes thats what my family calls fun. my parents and my bro dont have much of an imagination. also i will be working tuesday, thurseday and saturday mornings watching little kids. fun! other than that i hope to enjoy the hours reading writing and lots and lots of computer time watching anime and reading manga. ah the things i live for now a days. tis interesting how much ive changed in two years.
and not to forget the friends! i already have plans to go see kung fu panda (haha) and the long anticipated Wallie. (i know. how little kidish does that sound. dont care i love it)
well now i must go and study for those last few moderately easy exams that await me. wish me luck for afterwards we dine (in hell? no!) in the glory of summer! ha ha!