
Friday, June 20, 2008

Slow computers and Books should be read in private

Ah Summer. truly a wonderful thing....except that summer, being the time when you have an unlimited amount of time to spent on the computer, is also quite hot causing your beloved computer to run irritatingly slow and create a great amount of noise. ugh. so hot.
oh yes. books, especially when being read by me, should not be read in public unless you want to attract some strange looks from people who are weirded out because you look like your about to have an anurism becuase you are simply stifling hysteria at the book you so happened to be reading so as not to cause a scene. that of course doesnt work. i cannot honestly stop myself from making random espressions at what im reading whether it be a goony smile or complet shock or of course biting my lip and turning completely red stifling laughter or squeels. siiiiiiiiigh.


Madison said...

Agreed on the reading in public...*remembers her recent rereading experience and giggles*...

Jacqueline (bookbutterfly) said...

To anime: I take it you are referring to you-know-what.

To Anilee: I take it you are referring to you-know-what.

Yeesssss, you both know what I mean. ;)

Holly said...

Haha. Unfortuantely I am all too familiar with this described it well.

Kairi said...

why thank you. :)