
Saturday, October 25, 2008

Desert Island Meme

Tagged by Bookbutterfly

1. List the 10 books/collected works/series that you would bring on a desert island.
2. (Optional) Say why you would bring them.
3. Link to the person who linked to you.
4. Tag 6 people to also do the meme.
5. Leave a comment to let those people know.

1. my classic collection (tom sawyer, huck finn, a little princess, the secret garden, heidi, lotr, hobbit)-okay thats kinda out there but i group them because theyre the solid books that make me feel secure. why, i have no idea.

2. the merlin books by TA Barron-well its a series and two trilogys but i see them as all one series because theyre chronological. i really really love these books.

3. Castaways of the flying Dutchman-im in a passionate love with these 3 books. again i dont know why. plus id want these if i was stuck on an island.

4. pendragon series-good for a laugh and dang that kids smart. might give me an idea on how to get off the island.

5. twilight series-they beautiful.

6. inkheart series-dream of escape into the inkworld.

7. Arms of love and surrender by carmen marcoux-keep me strong in faith.

8. keys to the kingdom series

9. my side of the mountain and on the far side of the mountain

10. beatrix potter collection.

i tag whoever. im so out of the loop i dont know where the loop is located anymore.

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