
Thursday, October 16, 2008

Long time no seeeeeeeeeeee!

hokay. for one, school is going better. i was able to drop physics (yes!) so i only have to take chemistry next year while i get to stay in pre-cal this year so i dont have a math next year. perfecto. pre-cal is also going easier than before. so all in all its going meh.

the little mermaid opens next wednesday! eeek! it goes more to the book than the movie and of course our director likes to throw things in for fun (he writes the scripts) so its really fun. i play the prince's old nanny and i have to cry pitifully on stage and embarass hime about stuff he did as a child. (its going to be hard not to laugh while im crying)
i did audition for little women but i dont think ill get in. i felt kinda young (im barely old enough) and plus i have a phobia of auditions where i start to hyperventalate. (even though this was like my 10th one) my heart rate was lower this time but my singing STILL was pretty below my best. it sucks. he'll never know how i can actually sing. sigh.

im going to europe. ive got to get a job though and my christmas and birthday are going to be very small. oh well. im going to freakin' europe! so fun. i applied to both Bath and Body works as well as See's candy o top of auditioning for little woman so we'll see if i get any bites. wish me luck.

im so busy. rehersals all this and next week until we open. im tired already. ive got to learn the waltz and me and my partner are pretty good but hes really tall so he takes to big of steps. well must go sleep.


Anonymous said...

Really? You can drop physics? Woohoo! Go you! :D So do you just have a free period? Break a leg for Little Mermaid and Little Women! So this whole Bath and Body/See's business is about you getting a job...?

You're going to Europe?!! I can't stand you!!!! *exasperated sigh* ;) ;)

Anyway...I tagged you at my blog. Go check it out! :D

Kairi said...

yep free period. is joyous.
yep me find job.

haha. europe.