
Monday, January 5, 2009

happy new years and such...

hope you alls had a good one as well as a good christmas. i had a good christmas but not such a good new years.
on new years eve my parents went up to the rose parade to help with the float crew for the float made by the city my dad works for. that left me and my brother, who decided to go to a 10:30 showing of the spirit, which her thoroughly enjoyed. so i was left alone with only the dogs and an anime. it was pretty okay though i do admit i was terribly lonely and a bit scared. the anime distracted me until about midnight then my neighborhood started its celebration with the noise of illegal fireworks and gunshots. i found my stupider dog in the living room. he has this thing about loud noises so i stayed there with him for a while. it took a bit of convincing to get him back in my parents bedroom but i just brought the laptop with me and watched more anime while he settled down. when my bro finally got home my dog was happy again. i guess im not enough of an Alpha to kepp him company. oh well i was so frazzles and upset i left the dogs to him and went to bed. the next day i was left to myself as well since my bro went out to do erands. well at least i wasnt scared this time. i dabbled on the computer and finished the anime from the night before. fun day.

christmas was better. i got books! a complete collection of Edgar Allan Poe, Jane Austen 7 novels collection, the inheritance box set, howl's moving castle, and through a gift card and exchange i was finally able to repurchase Inkheart and get Inkdeath.
i had to rearrange my bookcase. twas fun. hee hee.
i also was given luggage for my europe trip. its so cool!
for the rest of my vacation i went shopping, read, wrote, went to horton plaza in san diego, and played the game i got for christamas: kingdom hearts re:chain of memories. tis allot of fun.
um what else. i attempted to get together with the butterflu but that plan fell out, twice. we needs to start filming for our shows.
i didnt really get to go to b&n though unfortunately. i did get to see marley and me but i really wanted to see benjamin button and 7 pounds. didnt though.
i need to start applying for jobs again now that the holidays are over. hopefully ill find one.
its still quite cold for a californian right now. my friend who lives a bit norther had to scrape ice of the windshield with a credit card for the second time this winter. thats huge!

i think thats a bout it. i finally wrote three pages in a row last night. yay! ive been so distracted when i sit down to wright. perhaps i like thinking about it more than writing about it.


Anonymous said...

JANE AUSTEN!?!?!?!?! I don't even have all her novels!! GAH!!!!!!!!! *is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO INSANELY JEALOUS* You better read them soon, girly!

BTW, Happy New Year! :D And I clicked your blog right when you posted this I think! Our minds are connected!! :P :D

Kairi said...

wow. haha.

me said...

*poke* You like Howl's Moving Castle? I saw that on Amazon and I instantly thought of you and Jaq-attack. xD