
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Stuff Stuff Stuff and Fluff

im turning into a once a month blogger i think. hm. makes sense. not much exciting things happening. valentines day is coming. meh. nothing big for me. oh for the days when God tells me who it is i will love. actually im very glad i have not dated yet. especially in middle school. i thought thats what i wanted but im so glad i didnt. im quite happy to wait for God's direction. besides i have to focus on writing and figuring out what i really want to do.
i went to college night at school and learned quite a few things. im going to do the TAG system. where you take as many college classes in hs as you can then go to a community college so i can enter a university or something as a junior. that way i will minimize my college time. plus its cheaper. sounds good to me.
i know i want to be a writer, to publish my novel series along with a few other things. but i dont think that will be my main career. publishing isnt much of an income in my opinion. plus if my life was only sitting at home and writing i dont think that would make me very happy. i mean i love writing but that not all i want to do. so i have to figure that out.
i will continue acting as a hobby and take a class in college (maybe make it a minor) but i dont think thats the path for me though i enjoy it a whole whole lot. maybe ill try a tv show or a movie. i cant sing well enough to be on broadway unfortunately. but im okay with that i think.
im really good at party planning and baking. im gonna take a catering class so we'll see if i like that. also ill take a class in computers. i love video and picture editing. dont know if its a career option though.
geez im so used to knowing who i am. ive always known who i am and what i wanted. this is not very fun being unsure. guess its time to pray. show me the way Lord.
im trying to drive a lot more so i can perhaps take my test in march like im supposed to. we'll see how it goes.
school is ultra boring right now. i seem to keep falling asleep. thats not good. i couldnt get into CSF this semester cause i was one point short. but i still got the silver honor roll. i guess thats good. but i feel like im being a lazy ass. ugh. i dont know what im doing lately. so indecisive.
im kinda dreading senior year. kinda sad. i need something happy .
i got allergy tested since im fed up with having bad acne and am trying to finally pinpoint its cause once and for all. im getting treated for some of my allergies but its a very long process of not being able to eat stuff. it feels like im back to being a little kid. except henry's and jimbo's has better food now. compared to the stuff i ate as a kid this stuff is pretty good. health foods improved. but it still sucks when i cant eat what my friends are eating. sigh.
well that all i have to say. i have to have some of the lengthiest nothing rant posts ever. oh well. noone reads this thing anyway. its more like my diary than anything else. oh well.

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