
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

job and life and ugh and yay

the big news. i got a job! yay! at a very tasty coffee shop. now to get through all the technicalities so i can actually start earning money. yay! so happy.
the down news. i am so done with math. i just cant stand to think about it anymore. it feels like this should be my last year of school when really ive got all next year to go. groan.
i went to a college reception for U of portland. that was fun. but i still want to visit both that and U of seattle. still gonna do the TAG system even more so now that i have a job. oh and i still dont know what else i wanna do. gonna major in english most likely but what else? bleh. at least i dont have to worry too much about the SAT just yet. but i would like to get it over with. plus im gonna need it if i wanna get my applications in earlier. but then again i cant send any until im in college since there's a whole nother process to apply as a transfer student. at least its easier to get in that way i think.
trying oh so hard to write. once again math is holding me back from my literary happiness. i havent read a book in like 3 months! ACK! cry. maybe thats another reason why i hate it so much.
and they're coming to take me away haha they're coming to take me away hoho heehee haha to the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time
oh btw. HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!!!! here's my fav drinking song in honor of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That coffee shop job sounds awesome. I must stop by there one of these days during your working hours.

Hope you get to do some real reading soon! See ya Friday!! :D