
Friday, May 15, 2009

ya say im crazy. i got your crazy.

yes i just quoted britney spears. i know. tis bad.
i havent bloged since march. how terrible. i must get back on this crazy train once school ends. but ive been busy with work and school and actually dealing with the pain of having my computer sick with a virus. :(
that was quite bad. we had to get everything wiped away and reinstall everything which was a very aggravaging process....but i complained too much then and am quite tired so i wont go into detail.
i finished the first draft of the first book of my series!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wooooooot!!
im super excited. i also finished three background stories. its something new i added. i call them dream chapters where you get a look into the pasts of the characters. its fun. now to just find time to get back to writing. ive actually been using my free period at school to write notes to myself. im that desperate.
i really need to step up my writing. college is coming soon and i need to get my books series under way and i want to publish an essay so ive been looking for contests. it looks good on applications.
speaking of which ive signed up for the SAT and decided im gonna apply anyway to see how much money the universities will give me. otherwise i will be going to CC for two years. fun.
ive also decided to wait on taking classes this summer and am only gonna take an acting course. i miss theater so bad!!!!!
im so done with school. we only have a few days left. GLEE! i cant wait for senior year though.
work is fun at times and earning money is cool but its kinda annoying as well. and tiring.
oh btw. PROM IS TOMORROW!!!!!!! wooot!!!! we so excited. :D
....i think thats it.
well bye for now. wish me luck with life.


Anonymous said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!! Girly, you should really blog more often, especially once summer starts.

OOH. I LOVE the whole idea of having "dream chapters"! I'd like to write one for my stories myself...

What's CC?

Kairi said...

yes. yes i should. ;)

i know! i love it. i was only gonna do it for one character since his is the most tragic past and more important but then i thought that wasnt fair considering he's not even a major main character

community college