
Monday, July 13, 2009

Summer post 1

SUMMER!!!!!!! wooooot!
well has been perty good so far. at least now its sunny. and its so nice out though it is a little hot. but good swimming weather. omj i love summer.
my first week of vacation was wonderful i was totally free to do whatever. i read an entire book (princess ben), i read two manga series, started my anime series, wrote some reviews, wrote some of my book. all my hobbies at once!!! heaven!! also i finally got a firm schedule for work. glee! loves it. i did the math and i will have enough money for my europe trip by december! yes! so worth all the dishes and coming home smelling of coffee grounds.
my second week i started my community college intensive acting class. a four week course consisting of 5 six hour days of 4 classes: audition technique, scene study, ensemble work, and playwriting. honestly i had no idea what i was getting myself into but its turning out to be a lot of fun. this is my last week and though i am really ready for it to be over. (i mean its six hours everyday and i always have homework) i can say im really glad i did it. its a great experience and ive never really had the chance to meet with so many artistic people. it was awesome! (i dont have any artistic friends and my family is pretty practical. so it was really nice to know im not a weirdo and that im not completely nuts) though one of my teachers can be a little out there. well all of them have some interesting moments. i have to really stick firm to my faith in this place because there all about "letting go" and "being organic" to "follow your impulses". i mean i understand what they're trying to say but i still have to be careful with some things. i admit i cried in class because it got just a little to edgy and embarrassing. i mean that teacher is a little over bearing at times. i dont like it that much but i love love ensemble work. especially the exercises we do. i love this thing called phrase by phrase. oh my gosh its so liberating. you can just let yourself go and.....oh my gee. its feels so awesome. its like meditation without the worry of calling on demonic spirits. i loves it. i didnt expect there to be playwriting but i really like that it was there. when my teacher found out i was a writer the first day she did a small interrogation and when i told her how id been doing it for two years and wrote almost everyday (almost) she was really impressed. i was really nervous about writing plays since im so used to prose but i got rave reviews. i get to direct my short comedic play for my final! woot! glad somebody likes my stuff. my only thought is that i thought my plays werent that good and that my novel writing was good. so if they thought my plays were good then.......heehee. happy!
like i said though i loved my class im ready to get back to my summer. my virginia friend might be coming out to visit, i gots to do stuff with the girls, and im going to vermont at the end of september!
oh my gosh so much fun stuff to do. i love summer!!!!

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