
Thursday, June 7, 2012

"The Past is history, the Future a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the Present."

I find it appropriate that the title of the first post in my reactivation of this blog is a quote from Kung Fu Panda.  It just goes to show that even in those things that are taken for granted as being childish or simply for amusement's sake, there can be found something of value. This also leads into the meaning of the new name for my blog. "Myriad Subtleties" is a phrase from Dunbar's poem We Wear the Mask, and it is used to describe the hinted at signs of a person's true being that they are unwilling or afraid to show to the outside world. Considering that a blog is often simply an online journal I thought the name fitting since it is sometimes easier to express ourselves in writing than in everyday life.
I began this blog a very long time ago when I was in High School and have not visited it in 3 years. Looking back I have to say I hardly recognized myself as I am sure is common in similar circumstances. However, I also suddenly felt the want to start this blog again so as to rectify the image of myself that was still being portrayed onto the internet, and portray the me that has grown up in more ways than I thought possible in just three years. So, with a new name and a new theme I am attempting this reactivation with the hope that I can keep it up and better express my current self. Wish me luck!!!

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