
Monday, July 21, 2008

bookshelves and other news

hello all. sorry ive been gone for a monstrous amount of time. a whole week practically. how dreadful!! well we had the pleasure of tenting our house so we had to stay in a really crappy hotel for two days. oh and did i mention this particular hotel that had supposedly cleaned up its act from the drug busting love motel it was before actually is the top suspect in trying to fraud our credit card account. ugh. well for those few three days i was forced to stay extra entire days at the karate studio but that was slightly appeased by the purchase of a new purse and being payed twenty bucks for watching camp kids overtime.

the next week our family took off so everyone was home except for my brother who still had classes and will never stop working. so, my dad used this time to finish my bookshelves that ive been wanting forever. SO HAPPY!!! i helped stain them. i was dizzy from the fumes afterwards but it was rewarding.....and quite messy. That thurseday we had our 'vacation trip'. we just took the hours drive up to aneheim and went to this really awsome mall. (i gots books from a borders and made the discovery of how much i love american eagle outfitters) afterwards we had lunch at the house of blues in downtown disney which was alote of fun. our families now been to practically every house of blues except for the one in texas. (texas here we come!) so the week was actually perty fun. i love shopping.

heres a pic of my new bookshelves. yes i know they aint covered in books but hey just wait a few weeks. the four small compartments at the bottom are to be drawers for my clothes but my dad has to figure out how to make them first. also youll see my shelves inhabited by multiple creatures. three teddy bears and 20 pufkins. me and my bro used to collect pufkins like the rest of the world did beeny babies. they is very cute bu now you cant find them hardly anywhere except perhaps online. oh and did i mention we dont have just nineteen but i figured it would be overwhelming to the eyes if i included the other 22 lined up on the top in the shot.

and to the kingdom hearts fans who read my blog...yes, that is a keyblade on my top shelf. haha


Anonymous said...

Very cool, Anime!

And my younger brother would be jealous of your keyblade. He made his own once out of an empty wrapping paper tube and clothes hangers. :-)


Kairi said...

haha. would you believe my brother's the one who got it for me?

Jacqueline (bookbutterfly) said...

anime, I recognize your binders from last yr! *rofl*

Jacqueline (bookbutterfly) said...

Sorry to double comment, but I also notice the parasol you got from my party! *mrgreen*

Kairi said...

yesh i loves it alone with the lamp that now hangs on the other wall.