
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Meet the demands or demand to meet

well first off our summer reading book this year happens to be the count of monte cristo. ive always wanted to read this book...or see the movie if that proved to be to bothersome. well ive decided to acually read it since i failed to read the last three assigned books in my school career. so kill me if i didnt want to read Moby Dick, uncle toms cabin, and Farenheit 451...okay so i could have read the last one and wish i had but i was being a smart ass. i just cannot be forced to read something. it is the one thing that reminds me that i am actually stubborn. who knew? if you tell me to do it im less likely to want to. sigh. i hate that im like this but fail to fix this fault my programing. sigh. well once again i say that ive chosen to read it.....but im watching the anime first. mwahahahahahahaha. yes there is an anime of the count of monte cristo, BUT ENOUGH ABOUT THAT! i try not to mention anime and manga on this blog.
random comment: i like painting my nails blue.
im getting better at my daycare job. its become easier since im starting to know the kids better. i had a new one last thurseday. a three year old little girl who happened to be at that stage where 'why?' seems to be the best word in the world. luckily she was very cute and loved to jump into my arms while we watched toy story 2. (i love that movie!) she was the most social three year old id ever met. she announced to me out of the blue that she wanted to go say hi to the one of the instructors at the desk and told him all about how she was three but would be four tomorrow then five. how cute!!
oh summer! how i miss my friends dearly!!
i am incredibly happy about my writing right now. last week i just could not focus worth beans. i had finally got myself to stop writing so as to go back and revize though i loath it entirely. finally in church on sunday i just prayed really hard for the perseverance to get this book done quickly and be able to focus my mind on things. and here i am this week revizing like a maniac. THANK YOU LORD!!!!!!
lollipop lollipop oh lolli lolli lolli lollipop. POP!

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