
Monday, August 4, 2008

Ends of Upside down Tears

ive made a discovery. found the answer pertaining to my complex about endings. whether they be in movies or books. anime or manga. you can often hear people say 'oh that ending was really good' 'i like how that ended'. nope not me. i have never once been able to bring myself to say these words. why? well because i loath endings. why? i have no clue. i can hardly ever bring myself to "like" an ending to a book or something. i have a tendency to push it out of my memory entirely. especially if the ending is sad. for example. i did not enjoy (to my friends' shock and horrification) 'a walk to remember' yes it was sweet but...meh. have no clue. another ex. Titanic. sure the beginning is kinda fun and heck dicaprio always finds a way to make me laugh. i have never seen the end to this movie. and i kinda dont mind if i ever do. just thinking about the last few scenes i saw makes that sick wretched feeling surface again. could this be simply suppressed tears? i dont cry at movies or such. never really have. is this bad? is this why i hate endings especially sad ones? or is it because i prefer to be in my happy medium of a place.
today i watched something utterly miserable making sad. did i cry? no. i felt like i should but did i? no. and now i go to blocking out the entire thing because if i dwell on it that wretched feeling comes back. happily gnawing at my insides refusing to even consider that i might accept the ending given to me..........and now i realize that i am rambling. well thats all i have to say. have fun people who like endings. i forever will watch from the shadows ready to suppress all unpleasantries that come my way.
and yet, i think to myself, i enjoy emotional scenes in the middle of stories. heck i love to write about them. maybe its just the endings that i loath entirely.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't like sad endings either. I loved A Mango Shaped Space all the way through but then the end was sat. I just sat there and said "Darn it!" and tried to forget the whole book.