
Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Rant for no apparent reason

hmmm. havent posted in a while it seems. whats going on with me? hum. oh! we is having our house tented. we have to stay in a hotel for two days and i have to spend and entire extra day at my moms work and we have to bring one of our dogs cuz we have no where to put the mutleys. tis a bit of an annoyance.
what else? almost don with the gemma doyle series. the first book i read in a day and a morning, the second i paced myself and was thouroghly exhausted in the process and the third went utterly slow till about half way through when i finally got into it. the reason for this escapes me. was i just to exhausted? maybe it was because the characters were getting on my nerves a bit. (seriously i was getting really pissed at gemma). but its all good now....mostly. learning intervals in voice lessons which is fun, im having a little trouble getting through some pages in my writing but im really trying to buckle down so i can move on to the exciting stuff thats been playing in my head forever. oh! and i had a really interesting/exilerating but yummy coffee drink the other day. I ususally get a mocha frappuccino at starbucks but caffeines not doing what it used to for me so like a drug addict i realize i just need more of it. well i found my match. me and my mom went to coffee bean and we found an equivalent to our mocha frap with the word extreme in the title. its basically the same except for one thing......its full of ground expresso beans. WOW!!! was that good!!! haha. just what i need right?
well i think thats it for now. im trying to be more positive in my posts. hope its working.


Jacqueline (bookbutterfly) said...

Geez, what's going on? Everyone's leaving for a bit for no apparent reason, and all of a sudden, they pop back up at the same time. Weird...

But sorry things are kinda frustrating, anime. :(

Kairi said...

im better now.
i left because my family had a 'vacation' week so my parents were always home.