
Monday, December 15, 2008

The time has come the walrus said.....

ive been gone for so so long. sigh. school is such a bother. at least its raining now. yay! well what have i been up to? im trying ever so hard to keep writing though its getting hard to focus lately. uh oh. i cant seem to manage my many hobbies as always so that i cant do anything i want to. again. sigh.
well i finally saw sweeney todd. i love anything johnny deppXtim burton. though i have to say its not as good as the play. after listening to the play soundtrack and reading about it on wiki the movie just cant compare. sorry johnny. but i did love your singing!
the high school section of our school is having a contest of who can decorate their classroom the most festive for christmas! our room is so gonna win. i spent the whole day stapling light to the wall about 4 ft above my head. dizzying.
i still cant wait until europe. we are definately going now! eeeee!
what else?
i have been desperately searching for a job but i cannot seem to find one. theres only one place owned by a friend of ours but its too far.
i miss my voice lessons. i had to quit for my play a while ago and now money is really tight so i dont dare ask to go back. plus europe....
10 days till christmas!!!!!!!!
also, i finally saw twilight!!!!
i was surprised to find i actually liked it. of course out of the ten people in the theater i could tell only about three other people had read the book. how do i know? because they were the only others laughing hysterically at the same parts i was. also they whooped when jacob came on with their encouragement i COULD NOT stop myself from letting out one small squeal. ugh. im so mad at myself. it was also allot of fun because i went two of my good friends who hadnt read the books and i was able to keep whispering notes to them.they both liked it and want to read the books now! yay! though there are details that kinda annoy me (im extremely picky when it comes to adaptations) i was again surprised to see i didnt mind that much. also i think that the actors, though they dont look quite right, did an honestly good job. so there is my shockingly positive opinion. yipee!
okay i think thats it. hopefully ill come back more quickly this time.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Happy B-day to Me

well actually its a little late like three days late. oh well. im 17! yay. not.

im officially finished with the little mermaid. it was allot of fun and my friends who saw it can't shutup about it. which is a good thing. im gonna miss that cast so much. is sad.

im going job hunting this weekend because i seriously need to start making money for my trip to europe this summer. ive got about 4 places in mind. we'll see what happens. wish me luck.

umm...happy halloween! really late. me and my friends dressed up as gypsies this year. they insisted on walking around the neighborhood though i consider us to be too old but hey what was i gonna do? just stay behind? so we went for an hour only. we watched four scary movies. children of the corn, beetlejuice, the grudge, and sleepy hollow. the first i found stupid and we were all actually making fun of it. the second was just odd. the grudge was actually a bit creepy but then again have i mentioned i just dont get scared. my friends were hiding there faces and im just watching the movie with a blank expression. sigh. its sad really. im too desensitized. the last movie is one of my alltime favorites. hello! johnny depp and time burton! whats not to love?!

im finally free to do some relaxing besides school work and it feels good. not to mention the frigid weather we're having makes my mood even better. im just a very happy person at the moment and it makes me glad.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Desert Island Meme

Tagged by Bookbutterfly

1. List the 10 books/collected works/series that you would bring on a desert island.
2. (Optional) Say why you would bring them.
3. Link to the person who linked to you.
4. Tag 6 people to also do the meme.
5. Leave a comment to let those people know.

1. my classic collection (tom sawyer, huck finn, a little princess, the secret garden, heidi, lotr, hobbit)-okay thats kinda out there but i group them because theyre the solid books that make me feel secure. why, i have no idea.

2. the merlin books by TA Barron-well its a series and two trilogys but i see them as all one series because theyre chronological. i really really love these books.

3. Castaways of the flying Dutchman-im in a passionate love with these 3 books. again i dont know why. plus id want these if i was stuck on an island.

4. pendragon series-good for a laugh and dang that kids smart. might give me an idea on how to get off the island.

5. twilight series-they beautiful.

6. inkheart series-dream of escape into the inkworld.

7. Arms of love and surrender by carmen marcoux-keep me strong in faith.

8. keys to the kingdom series

9. my side of the mountain and on the far side of the mountain

10. beatrix potter collection.

i tag whoever. im so out of the loop i dont know where the loop is located anymore.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Long time no seeeeeeeeeeee!

hokay. for one, school is going better. i was able to drop physics (yes!) so i only have to take chemistry next year while i get to stay in pre-cal this year so i dont have a math next year. perfecto. pre-cal is also going easier than before. so all in all its going meh.

the little mermaid opens next wednesday! eeek! it goes more to the book than the movie and of course our director likes to throw things in for fun (he writes the scripts) so its really fun. i play the prince's old nanny and i have to cry pitifully on stage and embarass hime about stuff he did as a child. (its going to be hard not to laugh while im crying)
i did audition for little women but i dont think ill get in. i felt kinda young (im barely old enough) and plus i have a phobia of auditions where i start to hyperventalate. (even though this was like my 10th one) my heart rate was lower this time but my singing STILL was pretty below my best. it sucks. he'll never know how i can actually sing. sigh.

im going to europe. ive got to get a job though and my christmas and birthday are going to be very small. oh well. im going to freakin' europe! so fun. i applied to both Bath and Body works as well as See's candy o top of auditioning for little woman so we'll see if i get any bites. wish me luck.

im so busy. rehersals all this and next week until we open. im tired already. ive got to learn the waltz and me and my partner are pretty good but hes really tall so he takes to big of steps. well must go sleep.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

School and its suckage

well ive finally started my junior year of high school and i both hate and like it. we have a new campus with actual schoolish features which we have never had before so thats positively awsome. my classes are mostly perty cool except for physics and pre-calc which are both taught by the same teacher. let me just say this. i totally suck at algebra and pre-calc. and to think i was one of the head of my class at math in grade school. geometry was fun to. i am just not oriented for algebraic and calculus type thinking. it just doesnt click. tis annoying. so im gonna have to try to survive that. pre-calc i could be kicked out of so i now hope i make it so i dont have to take a math senior year.

driving is going okay. i was made to drive my mom's truck which i really hate. the stearing is really loose and you have to push really hard on the brake to make it work. i like little cars better.

i got into the play i auditioned for. yay! though my audition was perty bad if you ask me. my voice was shaking because my pulse was really fast when i sang my song. mostly because auditions just naturally make me nervous even though ive done it like 9 times now. also it didnt help that the guy who expressed interest in me and i was smitten with (until i was told not to follow that road) was there to watch. not cool. oh well. i got in and the play is......"The Little Mermaid" weeeeee! im also hoping to audition for little woman this winter. lead rolls get paid! so i dont have to pay to get in.

Also big announcemnt. there is a really good chance im gonna get to go on the europe trip this summer! AAAAACK! im so excited. were goin to france and italy. like lourdes, asissi, rome, all sorts of stuff. its so cool. i cant wait and am crossing my fingers that i can raise the money in time.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

exciting, no?

wow. been long time. let me see what am i up to?.....
ive finally started to learn to drive!!!!! yep. my first time driveing was last saturday when my dad took me. i gots to drive the beamer! was quite fun. i suck at parking. haha.
i also was very happy to get the news that i get an extra week of summer. yahoo! the new school campus isnt finished yet so we got an extra week. sigh of relief. whew.
so, now that the other kids are in school i dont have to go to work so i have the entire week to myself. yay!
i stopped voice lessons for this month since i am going to audition for another play and if i get in i know i wont have time for voice anymore. ill start up again proble when we're done though. wish me luck. i hate auditions. love the plays hate the auditions. ugh.
i am nearly done with the count of monte cristo and will then be able to, after next payday, to get tricksters choice so i can add it to tricksters queen which i already have.
my dad finished by bookshelves entirely and my very close sister friends thought they were awsome when they came over last week. twas very fun.
anyway. i think thats it. oh! one more thing. im makeing a wall of quotes in my room. so fun!
yep thats it. school starts next week, at least its supposed to so we'll see if i can keep up blogging afterwards. i hope so.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Bratty Boys, and my screwy Brain

Well summer is coming to a close in a bout two weeks for me. just my luck that last week would be the busiest week for my summer job of running a daycare for my mom's workout class. yes i only work Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday but im telling you....this was hard. Tuesday i had, drum roll please, TEN!!!! little boys. TEN!! all between the ages of 5 and 7. ARG! luckily my 12 year old friend was there to help along with her 8 year old brother (he wasn't that much help though). most are pretty okay except for this little just 6 year old who must be a demon in blond curls. i had him again on Thursday and literally had to drag him off the floor back to where his mom was so she could put him in time out cause you know what? they dont really listen to me all that much. luckily with so many we played a group game of dodge ball. oh yes! throwing a ball at their little heads was most relaxing. Thursday luckily i only had 5 but i was by myself so i figured okay time to put that theater training to good use and used my stage voice the entire time. oh that surprised them. unfortunately while they werent being good boys and playing an organized game by themselves (which they did with the leadership of my one mature seven year old.) they were a little too rough and i had a total of three injuries. the little five year old who is evil but danged if he aint so cute got hit in the eye and started crying with saddest boo boo face i ever saw. hes a little monster but he seems to like me enough he gives me kiss when he leaves. (grr. that little two face!) well at least i raked in the dough that week. 70 bucks. that makes it a little better. haha.

now as ive mentioned ive been reading the twilight series and i totally love it. the first i loved the second was awesome (Jacob makes me laugh so freakin' hard i dont know why) and even the third i really liked. now i is on the fourth and oh my im nearly jumping out of my own skin. (no slight referance intended. ew.) i read 1/3 of the book in one day, i couldnt stop and in the beginning i was happy then a little more in i wasnt so much, now this morning i finished book two of BD and am happy again. im EXHAUSTING MYSELF!!! once i put the book down i couldnt stop thinking about it! last night i couldnt bring myself to do my writing because i couldnt focus i knew i was seriously in trouble when i could barely get my mind under control to say my prayers. i woke up in the middle of the night (as i do once in a while for no apparent reason whatsoever) and found my mind still on Edward and Jacob and Bella. i finally got back to sleep saying this was ridiculous and when i woke up the next morning, BAM!!!! again! its as if my mind picked up right where i left off. i was seriously getting a bit paranoid. i read some more this morning and then knew i needed some down time for fear id go mad and ruin the enjoyment of the book for myself. i literally retreated from my subconscious and put a Japanese song in my head. i got on the computer trying to think of anime (i did this the night before as well, it helped me get back to sleep to put the Gankutsuou End theme in my head) i immediately turned on my media player put on my everything playlist on shuffle and blared 'High School Never Ends' in my head. i escaped to the other side of myself, the anime geek side, to hide while my bookworm self was beat back into a controlled submission. i did some Internet stuff, watched some anime alternating with drivers ed classes and am now in control....i think.
sigh. sometimes i feel as if i have no control over my own mind. Is it just me or do i just have an extremely overactive imagination?

Monday, August 11, 2008

spelling, quotes, and my incoherence

BLAST!!!! why must my normally bad spelling become utterly atrocious as my at first minimal vocabulary becomes astoundingly larger. oh the oddities that writing bestows on ones own habits. perhaps in my efforts to not sound boring i have come to overlook the spelling of my words in order to get them out quicker so as not to bore myself. why that would have an affect on me at all I've no clue. I've always accepted the fact that my spelling is lacking but heaven forbid it to become unbearable to even me. just my luck that the child to be a writer in my family would inherit the spelling gene from my father who's own arrangement of letters leaves something to be desired. God bless spellcheck when i can get it.
GRR and Foil!!

*huff* well that being over with here is something of interest. ive come to be obsessed with quotes. yes, quotes. little bits of wisdom that have a taste of humor, preferably from people who were not considered entirely sane. those are the best ones. haha. well aside from my quote box on the side ive decided to put some of my favs write here. i just have to share some of them. i think this will be a new thing. ill post a list of quotes every once in a while. well here are a few.

"Love looks with the heart and not with the mind; And so winged cupid is painted blind" —
William Shakespeare

"You speak an infinite deal of nothing." —
William Shakespeare (The Merchant of Venice (Shakespeare, Signet Classic))

"A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool." —
William Shakespeare

"Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him." —
Charles Dickens (David Copperfield)

"There are books by which the backs and covers are by far the best parts." —
Charles Dickens

"Strength is incomprehensible by weakness, and, therefore, the more terrible." —
Nathaniel Hawthorne (The House of the Seven Gables (Norton Critical Edition))

"We men of study, whose heads are in our books, have need to be straitly looked after! We dream in our waking moments, and walk in our sleep." —
Nathaniel Hawthorne (The Scarlet Letter)

"Do anything, save to lie down and die!" —
Nathaniel Hawthorne (The Scarlet Letter)

"No man, for any considerable period, can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true." —
Nathaniel Hawthorne

Monday, August 4, 2008

Ends of Upside down Tears

ive made a discovery. found the answer pertaining to my complex about endings. whether they be in movies or books. anime or manga. you can often hear people say 'oh that ending was really good' 'i like how that ended'. nope not me. i have never once been able to bring myself to say these words. why? well because i loath endings. why? i have no clue. i can hardly ever bring myself to "like" an ending to a book or something. i have a tendency to push it out of my memory entirely. especially if the ending is sad. for example. i did not enjoy (to my friends' shock and horrification) 'a walk to remember' yes it was sweet but...meh. have no clue. another ex. Titanic. sure the beginning is kinda fun and heck dicaprio always finds a way to make me laugh. i have never seen the end to this movie. and i kinda dont mind if i ever do. just thinking about the last few scenes i saw makes that sick wretched feeling surface again. could this be simply suppressed tears? i dont cry at movies or such. never really have. is this bad? is this why i hate endings especially sad ones? or is it because i prefer to be in my happy medium of a place.
today i watched something utterly miserable making sad. did i cry? no. i felt like i should but did i? no. and now i go to blocking out the entire thing because if i dwell on it that wretched feeling comes back. happily gnawing at my insides refusing to even consider that i might accept the ending given to me..........and now i realize that i am rambling. well thats all i have to say. have fun people who like endings. i forever will watch from the shadows ready to suppress all unpleasantries that come my way.
and yet, i think to myself, i enjoy emotional scenes in the middle of stories. heck i love to write about them. maybe its just the endings that i loath entirely.....

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Meet the demands or demand to meet

well first off our summer reading book this year happens to be the count of monte cristo. ive always wanted to read this book...or see the movie if that proved to be to bothersome. well ive decided to acually read it since i failed to read the last three assigned books in my school career. so kill me if i didnt want to read Moby Dick, uncle toms cabin, and Farenheit 451...okay so i could have read the last one and wish i had but i was being a smart ass. i just cannot be forced to read something. it is the one thing that reminds me that i am actually stubborn. who knew? if you tell me to do it im less likely to want to. sigh. i hate that im like this but fail to fix this fault my programing. sigh. well once again i say that ive chosen to read it.....but im watching the anime first. mwahahahahahahaha. yes there is an anime of the count of monte cristo, BUT ENOUGH ABOUT THAT! i try not to mention anime and manga on this blog.
random comment: i like painting my nails blue.
im getting better at my daycare job. its become easier since im starting to know the kids better. i had a new one last thurseday. a three year old little girl who happened to be at that stage where 'why?' seems to be the best word in the world. luckily she was very cute and loved to jump into my arms while we watched toy story 2. (i love that movie!) she was the most social three year old id ever met. she announced to me out of the blue that she wanted to go say hi to the one of the instructors at the desk and told him all about how she was three but would be four tomorrow then five. how cute!!
oh summer! how i miss my friends dearly!!
i am incredibly happy about my writing right now. last week i just could not focus worth beans. i had finally got myself to stop writing so as to go back and revize though i loath it entirely. finally in church on sunday i just prayed really hard for the perseverance to get this book done quickly and be able to focus my mind on things. and here i am this week revizing like a maniac. THANK YOU LORD!!!!!!
lollipop lollipop oh lolli lolli lolli lollipop. POP!

Monday, July 21, 2008

bookshelves and other news

hello all. sorry ive been gone for a monstrous amount of time. a whole week practically. how dreadful!! well we had the pleasure of tenting our house so we had to stay in a really crappy hotel for two days. oh and did i mention this particular hotel that had supposedly cleaned up its act from the drug busting love motel it was before actually is the top suspect in trying to fraud our credit card account. ugh. well for those few three days i was forced to stay extra entire days at the karate studio but that was slightly appeased by the purchase of a new purse and being payed twenty bucks for watching camp kids overtime.

the next week our family took off so everyone was home except for my brother who still had classes and will never stop working. so, my dad used this time to finish my bookshelves that ive been wanting forever. SO HAPPY!!! i helped stain them. i was dizzy from the fumes afterwards but it was rewarding.....and quite messy. That thurseday we had our 'vacation trip'. we just took the hours drive up to aneheim and went to this really awsome mall. (i gots books from a borders and made the discovery of how much i love american eagle outfitters) afterwards we had lunch at the house of blues in downtown disney which was alote of fun. our families now been to practically every house of blues except for the one in texas. (texas here we come!) so the week was actually perty fun. i love shopping.

heres a pic of my new bookshelves. yes i know they aint covered in books but hey just wait a few weeks. the four small compartments at the bottom are to be drawers for my clothes but my dad has to figure out how to make them first. also youll see my shelves inhabited by multiple creatures. three teddy bears and 20 pufkins. me and my bro used to collect pufkins like the rest of the world did beeny babies. they is very cute bu now you cant find them hardly anywhere except perhaps online. oh and did i mention we dont have just nineteen but i figured it would be overwhelming to the eyes if i included the other 22 lined up on the top in the shot.

and to the kingdom hearts fans who read my blog...yes, that is a keyblade on my top shelf. haha

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Rant for no apparent reason

hmmm. havent posted in a while it seems. whats going on with me? hum. oh! we is having our house tented. we have to stay in a hotel for two days and i have to spend and entire extra day at my moms work and we have to bring one of our dogs cuz we have no where to put the mutleys. tis a bit of an annoyance.
what else? almost don with the gemma doyle series. the first book i read in a day and a morning, the second i paced myself and was thouroghly exhausted in the process and the third went utterly slow till about half way through when i finally got into it. the reason for this escapes me. was i just to exhausted? maybe it was because the characters were getting on my nerves a bit. (seriously i was getting really pissed at gemma). but its all good now....mostly. learning intervals in voice lessons which is fun, im having a little trouble getting through some pages in my writing but im really trying to buckle down so i can move on to the exciting stuff thats been playing in my head forever. oh! and i had a really interesting/exilerating but yummy coffee drink the other day. I ususally get a mocha frappuccino at starbucks but caffeines not doing what it used to for me so like a drug addict i realize i just need more of it. well i found my match. me and my mom went to coffee bean and we found an equivalent to our mocha frap with the word extreme in the title. its basically the same except for one thing......its full of ground expresso beans. WOW!!! was that good!!! haha. just what i need right?
well i think thats it for now. im trying to be more positive in my posts. hope its working.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Being up late can be dangerous

well as some of you might know i do my writing at night. and this has a tendency to carry me to my normal bedtime of midnight, 12:30 at the latest. well my parents are not night people at all. believe me its the saddest thing theyre in bed by 9 or 10 at the latest every night. oy. tis early. (for me). well my dad works with the city (i aint gonna say which one) and so hes on call alote. also he has a tendency to hate it when his kids are up "late" because hes like 'what in the heck could you be doing so late?'. oh i dont know dad. reading?writing? both things that make me uterly happy? well last night it was around midnight and i knew i had to get to bed soon but i was in a good writing groove and wasnt going to miss the oportunity and decided to keep going for a while. low and behold i hear my dad's phone going off. Oh Shiznit. hes gonna know im up. dang it all! so i reluctantly put down my pencil and turn off my light even though i know hes already seen it and knows im up. this causes me to fall out of my writing groove and unfortunately give in to bedtime.
the funny thing is the next morning i find myself on the phone with him (he thought i was my mom at first. haha. funny) and hes like 'so i got a call at two in the morning last night and you were up what were you doing?' um hello it was 12 not 2. i had my glasses on did you? haha. ah papà, ¿que està mal?

Friday, June 20, 2008

Slow computers and Books should be read in private

Ah Summer. truly a wonderful thing....except that summer, being the time when you have an unlimited amount of time to spent on the computer, is also quite hot causing your beloved computer to run irritatingly slow and create a great amount of noise. ugh. so hot.
oh yes. books, especially when being read by me, should not be read in public unless you want to attract some strange looks from people who are weirded out because you look like your about to have an anurism becuase you are simply stifling hysteria at the book you so happened to be reading so as not to cause a scene. that of course doesnt work. i cannot honestly stop myself from making random espressions at what im reading whether it be a goony smile or complet shock or of course biting my lip and turning completely red stifling laughter or squeels. siiiiiiiiigh.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

For i say. Now is the time to par-tay

Finals are nearly over and we all know what that means.
yes! well my summers have a tendency to be uneventful but i dont particularly mind that. what awaits me this summer is not much different.
our family trip will be to go to aneheim for a day to go to the house of blues in downtown disney and the virgin records store. yes thats what my family calls fun. my parents and my bro dont have much of an imagination. also i will be working tuesday, thurseday and saturday mornings watching little kids. fun! other than that i hope to enjoy the hours reading writing and lots and lots of computer time watching anime and reading manga. ah the things i live for now a days. tis interesting how much ive changed in two years.
and not to forget the friends! i already have plans to go see kung fu panda (haha) and the long anticipated Wallie. (i know. how little kidish does that sound. dont care i love it)
well now i must go and study for those last few moderately easy exams that await me. wish me luck for afterwards we dine (in hell? no!) in the glory of summer! ha ha!

Friday, May 23, 2008


weeeee! i love dances. our prom is tomorrow and its gonna be fun. yes im only a sophmore but our high school is so tiny that everyone gets to go. and also they dont like to call it prom its "the spring formal". oh well we still call it prom. and no im not going with anybody. its just a big group of friends thing. is so excited! this is my dress and shoes for the event. me love!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

New Job!!!!

the title says it all. my mom, who instructs at a karate studio, got her own workout class where many moms attend. in order to get more clients more often i have been given the oportunity to run a daycare during the one hour classes three times a week...and i get payed for it. Is so excited!!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

No Time is too much Time

that says it all....i think. i found out how unruly and extremely agrivating yet wonderfully strange my schedule is.
i go to school where i do much that i could do by myself but could not give up on my friends for the world. i come home and spend three hours at least on the computer posting, email, news, updates, facebook and (if there is extra time) watching anime. i get off before my dad comes home prepare dinner and eat while watching tv with my family as they come home from work or school until who knows when depending on what day it is and what shows are on. take a shower, do homework, then write and go to bed.
in all this utterly spacious room there is none than can be spared for all the pleasurefull things i love to do. i havent been able to read a book for pleasure in two months. shocking and appalling is it not? i think so.
how must i juggle reading writing and my anime-ic obsession of the internets? that is a question better asked my ever weirdly random yet spazzily lazy mind.
so i leave on a last note of this strange stream of conciousness post.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Meme (whatever that is)

Tagged by: The Butterflu
The Rules:
1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Open to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4.Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people and post a comment to the person who tagged you once you've posted your three sentences.

my books are on the floor in rows so ill just pick one right in front.
The Great Tree of Avalon book 2, Shadows on the Stars by T.A. Barron

"Elli stooped down to look more closely, and saw lines of red, violet, and blue flowing like blood vessels under the surface of the stone. That was when she remembered the phrase that Merlin had, in legend, used to describe it: a living eye.
She stood up, her gaze still fixed on the stone. But what, i wonder, can it see?"

okay thats four sentences but i just had to put that in there. i love this trilogy to death!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Top Twenty

From Miss Erin.
What: Top twenty favourite books in no particular order. Don’t think about it for too long. Take twenty minutes only to compile your list. Bold the ones you’ve read, or reread, since you’ve started blogging. Include novels, non fiction and plays.

All books by Tamora Pierce.
All books by Shannon Hale
The Lost Years of Merlin Series by T.A. Barron
The Great Tree of Avalon Trilogy by T.A. Barron
Castaways of the Flying Duchman Series by Brian Jacques
Pendragon Series by D.J. MacHale
The Keys to the Kingdom Series by Garth Nix
The Inheritance Trilogy by Christopher Paolini
Inkheart by Cornelia Funke
Inkspell by Cornelia Funke
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien
Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine
The Two Princesses fo Bamarre by Gail Carson Levine
A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis
Heidi by Johanna Spyri
Septimus Heap Series by Angie Sage

as you can see i read alot of series. its a curse. whenever i find a book i like it turns out to be a series.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Beautiful Songs

something really random.
when i hear a truly, and i mean truly beautiful song my eyes well up and tears role down my face.
i am not a person who crys. not at movies, plays, or even when i write or read something terrible.
but today when i logged onto my blog and hear 'Aura's theme-by BOOHOOWOO, the familiar tingling of my nose and the slightly tight roar in my ears started that caused 4 tears to find their way down my cheeks.
moments like these give me the ability to know that i can still feel touched.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Update on my Life

1. i got a facebook and applyed the flair application in which i found a flair that said 'i know hes a fictional character but my imagination doesnt' i laughed so hard!
2. i auditioned for peter pan at the moonlight ampitheater but i didnt get in. oh well. ive been in peter pan before anyway.
3. i finally saw juno!
4. my brother has to quit his job at B&N so so long to the 30% discount. but my mom is allowing me one last splurge before the discount is revoked. WooHoo!
5. i realize i gots the bestest friends in the world!

Weeeeee! im in an interesting mood today.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Finished? Who Knows.

First you'll notice the new category of 'Fluff and Stuff'' (love the name?). This is basically a list of random links pertaining to me. So far there is the link to my new other blog. Animeactress's Otakudom. That one is specifically for everything anime in my life so to keep this blog more organized and generic. Im very happy how it turned out. Hope you peeps agree.

Friday, April 4, 2008

To Whom Who Cares

My blog will be undergoing some changes over the next few.....days. (it takes me forever to find time to do things) so for those who actually read this thing. (i think theres like one of you). be sure to sit tight.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

5 crazy things little animeactress has done

Tagged by the butterflu.

1. Follow this format
2. Copy/Paste the rules
3. State who tagged you and add a link to their blog
4. Write 5 crazy things you did as a little kid
5. Tag 5 people

1. i used to pretend i was an animal. conatantly. my mom could get me to do anything if she pretended i was a dog or something.

2. me and my mischief buddy tore off the wood on a drainage hole that seperated the house next to us and my house and my friend snuck over to get our frisbee we had thrown over. (two days later there was chainlink fence over the hole.)

3. me and my other friend ate berries from an actually poisionous bush but didnt get sick.

4. i was carrying a bunch of comforters down the stairs of my first friends house and got wrapped up in them (mostly on purpous) lied down on the 5th to last step and rolled down uncontrollably. (i did things because it would be considered crazy because i wanted to be treated like a crazy person. i was a strange child with an over active mind.)

5. and a shocker...until i was around 11 or 12.....i hated books with a passion. *gasp*

i tag anybody who hasnt yet been tagged.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Its Spring!

ugh allergies. not fun. anyway easter break is finally here. time for some sun, some anime marathons, reading, and.....time to get back to work on my story. 149+ pages here i come! woooo!
Anyway as you can see i now post youtube vids on here. so check back often to see more. yay!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spectacular no?

hello all. guess what? ive got a blog. ha ha! behold my creation! mwhahahaha!.....and i know thats not the way you spell opinions.